Can I apply for a golden visa by buying a property in Spain worth 400,000 euros?

No, in order to obtain a golden visa, you must buy a property worth 500 thousand euros


Who in my family can get Golden Visa?

Husband and wife, children under 18 years old, parents over 60 years old who are considered dependents, children over 18 years old to 25 years old who are considered dependents can apply for golden visa.


When can I open a bank account?

After obtaining a golden visa and issuing a residency card, you can open an account in any bank.


Which countries can I travel to without a visa after receiving a Golden Visa?

You can travel to all EU countries without a visa.


s it possible to travel to America, Canada, Australia and England with Golden Visa?

Yes, you can apply for a Golden Visa and travel to these countries for 90 days a year.


Which office should we go to to register the document and receive documents related to the property?

To register the document and receive the document of your property, you must go to the notary office.


What is the tax rate for buying a property in Spain?

Property purchase tax in Spain is 10% of the total value of the property.


How much is the annual tax on properties purchased in Spain?

The annual tax on purchased properties is 0.01%.


How many years after receiving the golden visa can we apply for Spanish citizenship?

10 years after receiving the golden visa, you can apply for Spanish citizenship.


How many days should we stay in Spain every year to renew the golden visa?

To renew the residency card and golden visa, we must be present in Spain for 1 week every year


Can I sell my property after receiving the Spanish residency card?

You can sell your property after two years, but you must not take the property money out of Spain and you must buy new property before renewing the card.


How many days do we have to be in Spain every year to apply for citizenship?

You must be present in Spain for 186 days per year.

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